Friday, March 8, 2013

A message from Brenda Torpy, National CLT President...

Message for beloved leader, friend and colleague Connie Chavez

Connie is an amazing woman whose joie de vivre, warmth, and kind heart co-exist with a steely backbone that makes her one of the most effective and inspiring leaders I have ever had the pleasure to serve with.  When the National CLT Network board needed to address some tough issues, Connie stepped up to the presidency and during this, her second tenure as president she shouldered management duties, organizational reorganization and external communications with outward ease and considerable aplomb.  I admired and drew strength from her example and learned a lot.  Also, anyone who knows Connie knows that through all the hard work we had lots of fun and laughs.

Connie carries the burdens she takes on lightly and joyfully but she accomplishes them with laser-like focus and ability.  Sawmill is a CLT that I have long admired and now I know at least one of the secrets to your success:  Connie’s outstanding leadership!

Connie also personifies the warm hospitality that we always experience at Sawmill.  The picture we chose here for Connie is from the Fiesta that CHT enjoyed when Sawmill sent us a Fiesta in a box (a BIG box) after we hosted the National CLT Conference here in Burlington.   We had an impromptu feast complete with music, decorations, food and of course, the piñata, who happily survived the photo-op smashing and became our mascot!  I’ve had the good fortune of visiting at your two National CLT Conferences and when I returned this winter for our Board retreat I felt like I was visiting old friends.  It has also been very inspiring to see the build-out at the Sawmill site and the beautiful designs of your buildings. 

Sometimes in our community development work, and for good reasons, people focus on the differences among us, but Connie always made me feel as if I had grown up with her and could walk down the block to talk something over and sort it out.  Her inclusiveness comes out of great heart and a deep wisdom about the power of solidarity and what, in the end is really important for our common struggle.   

The CLT Network is lucky to have Connie continuing in her volunteer role as board member and I am delighted that we will continue to work together, but even when this gig ends, the friendship continues.  Best of luck and much love to you Connie!

1 comment:

  1. I have had the honor and pleasure of serving with Connie on the NCLTN board for a few years now. And I don't know of two more fitting words to describe my sentiments.

    It is an honor to hear her thoughts, opinions and experience. It is a pleasure to be there for the jokes, the kindness and the warmth.

    I consider myself--and all of NCLTN--lucky to continue our work together. And I wish her luck and love in her new adventures!
