Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Important Part of the National Community Land Trust Network

Connie with Dev Goetschius, Executive Director, Housing Trust of Sonoma County.


  1. The National CLT Network would NOT be where it is today without Connie’s leadership and commitment. We can’t thank her enough and wish her the best in this next chapter.


  2. As a charter member of the Connie Chavez Fan Club, I can say that Connie is so cool that she would even fit in Northern Minnesota. I am forever grateful that she said yes to the CLT Network Vice Presidency in Boston in 2008. Sorry that I had the shortest presidential term on record! Fortunately Connie was able to guide the CLT Network with one hand on the wheel and the other on a Margarita. Blessings my friend!

    Jim Mischler-Philbin (aka one of the Duluth Boyz)
    Community Land Trust Director
    One Roof Community Housing
